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Our School is designed to equip and transform the student into their true identity as New Creatures in Christ. Our objective is to join hands with heaven in birthing the Army of Love through teaching, training and equipping, retreats, ascensions, and restoration.
Resources will be added to this page soon.
"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God."
Romans 8:14 (NKJV)
Undergoing change
Our students are all required to go through the metamorphosis of change through our rigourous disciplines. This is structured to deconstruct the wrong mindset and create a new mindset of who we are in Christ.

Practical journey
Your journey into Sonship starts with knowing who you are and living by that knowledge and understanding. You will become like Christ through our courses and transformation practices and exercises, as well as our mentorship and discipleship.
Development & Growth
Students are encouraged to do the free foundation year and then upgrade by purchasing subsequent courses designed for their growth and development into Priests, Kings, Queens, and Sons of God.

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